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its the second one 

(1 edit) (+1)




I finished the game and I enjoyed it a lot, I liked the aesthetics of the game and Gregory's humor. I just wanted to finish it so Gregory would stop bothering me XD I read above that someone said the checkpoint system did not work well, it does not, it works perfectly, perhaps it happened that he could not solve any of the puzzles in order to advance. Very good game, keep it up Sepi !!!


I couldn't find all the turtles :(

Thank you for playing! Gregory sure is an annoying little... Anyway, I can see why the checkpoint system can feel strange to some players, but I'm really happy with the end result. Thank you for the support!


This is a really juicy game with strong comedic elements. I really enjoyed playing it!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you had fun!

(1 edit) (+1)

I tried to find the duck, but have failed.

Even killing all the turtles doesn't result into the duck ending.

Is it another duckless game?

Suicide teleport is a big brain mechanic. "die, it's faster!" is not a joke, it's an advice!

Pretty impressive game for 1 week.

Did you really managed to kill all the turtles?! I think you are the first one! Fun fact, there is also a special dialogue if you dont kill any [wink wink] (cause killing turtles is not cool man...) Sadly another duckless game, Im really hoping for a new "I cant.." gamejam, but i dont think it will happen and I dont want to steal Charlmes trademark ducks :(

Anyway, thanks a lot for playing and even completing the game! It means a lot!


Another cool Gregory game! During my playthrough I managed to find the bouncy room, sign room and the "I guess you're a ninja" room.

Controls were simple.

Music was adequate. 

Story as usual had some nice humor to it. 

Gameplay was pretty straightforward and a nice twist on Super Mario Bros.

Checkpoint system was a good idea. It didn't seem to have any bugs, but then again I didn't beat the game. 

Seeing Gregory be a playable character was pretty cool, especially when he gets bigger so he looks more like . . . Gregory.

I see what you did there with the randOm capiTal leTers in the game description. :)

Good job! I'm always impressed by how well your games turn out on such short notice.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks for playinG! I'm REally Glad you enjOyed it. How much did you hate the "I guess you aRe a ninja room"? :D

Making the sprites was a lot harder than I thought as I'm reallY not used to Working with so mAny limitationS. Im sill pretty Happy with thE end REsult!


Gregory is back! On a horror game...

Gregory was always here... Watching...

defective checkpoint-system has rendered the game impossible to beat. 

(checkpoints keep you as you died, not as you reached the checkpoint initially, but at least one provides no means to change back to the form required for traversing the immediate area [or entering it in the first place])

Hi, I'm sorry that happened to you! The checkpoint system works as intended, as some puzzles makes you change form and purpusefully die to move forward. I thought I had play tested the game enough to ensure there was no softlock possible, but maybe I missed something (this was made in a week for a gamejam). If you send me a screenshot of your softlock I can have it fixed. So sorry again.


I was mistaken:

What I thought to be the way forward was a dead end that is only reachable while in big form but only traversable while in small form. ( I had died to a turtle just after shrinking back down, so didn't realize this until just now)

Thank you for telling me! I was genuinely going crazy trying to find a checkpoint that softlocks the game!